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(c) Apex Designs 1999

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23 February 2000

Whoops. Sorry, my finger slipped.
A bit of sideways driving.
He skillfully avoids the tree...but ploughs into the bench moments later.
This is what happens if you get too near to an explosion.

19 December 1999

A police car gets it. Notice the funky new shockwave effect.
Getting nuked whilst on the 'phone.
Grenades are fun.
So are missiles. Note the lens flare.

15 November 1999

You get bonus points for running someone over with their own car.
This is what happens if you don't throw grenades far enough. Nasty.
Jumping out the stadium in a Pug GTI.
I was just testing out my new minigun, m'lud.

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It wasn't me, officer!
Minigun madness.


Some people might consider using a bazooka against a person to be overkill - not me!
Have you seen the movie 'Speed'?

"That particular mistake will not be repeated. There are plenty of mistakes left that have not yet been used."
Andy Tanenbaum (ast@cs.nu.nl)